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Thursday, December 9, 2010

How a Humidifier may make all the difference.

The Holiday Season can be a very stressful time. Trimming the tree, baking cookies and buying those one of a kind gifts are not easy tasks.  This, along with the beginning of cold and flu season, can lead to many sleepless nights.  Being prepared and making sure you have everything you need in your household is “key” to getting through and making sure you have a healthy holiday and winter season.

Be prepared for whatever sickness you or your family may encounter by having a good humidifier.  There are many different brands and types of humidifiers on the market and choosing the right one may be confusing.

Steam humidifiers, or vaporizers, are thought to be more healthful because releasing hot steam is less likely to transfer microorganisms from within the water base.

Cool mist humidifiers are the most common type of humidifier sold.  Although this humidifier works as efficiently as the heated steam type, it needs to be cleaned more frequently.  If not cleaned thoroughly, mold and bacteria that may form in the water reservoir and inhibit the appliance from working properly and worse, cause other health problems for you or your child.

Although humidifiers are a beneficial way of providing humidity to a room, and promoting better health, regular maintenance is needed in order to be most efficient for you and your family.  We recommend you use cleaners specified by the manufacturers and clean  frequently.  In some cases where some homes have “hard” water, calcium and/or lime buildup may occur.  Use the manufacturers’ manual as a guideline to rid the humidifier of this.  Some humidifiers require a filter to be replaced at certain time intervals.  Be sure
to follow all humidifier manufacturer requirements to ensure a healthy holiday and winter season and a long life of your humidifier.  A good source for the mentioned humidifiers is StrollerSquares.com