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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Choosing the Right Umbrella Stroller

Umbrella strollers have been around for a long time now.  They are a convenient necessity in your day to day lives with young children.  To choose and an umbrella stroller that fits your lifestyle and needs is simple if you follow these basic guidelines.

Umbrella strollers typically follow similar construction guidelines. They are made up of plastic or metal lightweight frames, and have a hammock style cockpit for your child. The lightweight construction prevents fatigue, and has impressive maneuverability. This is especially great for use in local malls and shopping centers or for walks through the neighborhood. Features included in some strollers are under seat storage, cup holders, sun shades, and even suspension.

The collapsible frames are a very attractive feature in umbrella strollers which accommodate restrictive storage available when not in use.

Keep in mind that umbrella strollers cannot carry an infant car seat and should not be used with babies under six months of age. Some umbrella strollers have a reclining back providing more support for your young child. Please check with the manufacturer spec’s before using your umbrella stroller with a child under six months.

Also, consider the following areas when researching umbrella strollers will help you to find a stroller that best fits your needs and lifestyle:

Safety (roll-over rate, brakes, etc.)

Durability (material types - both cockpit and framing, wheel type, etc.)

Convenience (accessories and features)

Storage needs (fold style)

Comfort (types of cushions, wheels with suspension, etc.)

Cost – Umbrella strollers can cost around $20 to $800! Just like everything else in this word, you get what you pay for. An umbrella stroller can last a long time, and a good stroller can feel like it’s worth its weight in gold after a long day.

Pick an umbrella stroller that is a nice mix between value and features and that fits your lifestyle in order to insure you get the most out of your purchase. You will most likely use this stroller a lot and will have it a very long time, so choose wisely and don't be afraid to spend a little money on it.  A great source for umbrella strollers is :  www.strollersquares.com

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